Proper Warm-Up
A proper warmup is an important first step to preventing injury in soccer, it helps players prepare mentally as well as physically and creates a foundation for good performance.
5/16/20242 min read
A proper warmup is an important first step to preventing injury in soccer. U.S. A good warmup creates a foundation for good performance. Numerous studies show the dramatic effect a proper warmup has in reducing injuries on the field. During the warmup, players prepare mentally as well as physically. A good warmup helps players focus their attention on the game or practice that follows, increasing the level of performance.
Warmup exercises typically concentrate on preparing the body for play. These physical activities target different muscles which are important for maximizing soccer performance. In doing so, the warmup also helps protect the player from injuring these different muscles.
Warmup activities should build in intensity and lead into the activity that follows, whether a game or practice.
Start slow: Begin the warmup with low-intensity movements like jogging, skipping, and shuffling side-to-side. Increase the heart rate gradually to be ready for the practice or game to start.
Stretch: Stretching is extremely important. Stretching should be dynamic, not done standing still. Incorporate a full range of motion stretches into low-intensity movements, like walking or jogging.
Include a ball: Integrate ball skills into the warmup, such as dribbling at slower speeds. This is an opportunity to work on technical skills and become more acquainted with the ball.
A typical warmup progresses from linear to multi-directional activities. Initial warmup exercises should have players moving along a straight line. Once muscles have begun to warm, exercises can incorporate changes of direction to increase the intensity and effectiveness of the warmup. The warmup should finish with accelerations, sprints, or high-intensity changes of direction to simulate actual game-play situations to make sure the player is prepared for the game or practice session. Encourage players to take the warmups seriously, show them how to do each exercise properly, and take time to explain the reasoning behind each exercise, once understood they will be more likely to do them well
Incorporating a variety of exercises into a warmup program may allow players to create a program tailored to their interests and needs. Just keep in mind that some exercises or activities may not be appropriate for certain age groups or skill levels. One warm-up program that has shown to reduce injuries by as much as 50 percent is FIFA 11+. Find out more about the program on the FIFA website.
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